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You tried to install Encyclopodia on an iPod-Generation that is not supported, although the installation wizard warned you and now your iPod is broken? Don't panic, your iPod is not broken.
- Connect your iPod to your Computer. If the Computer recognizes the iPod, go immediately to step 3.
- If your Computer does not recognize your iPod, do the following:
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generation iPods: Hold down the Menu- and the Play-key for about five seconds until your iPod reboots. As soon as the iPod reboots, hold down the Rewind- and the Fast Forward-key. Now, your iPod should boot into disk mode.
- all newer iPods: Hold down the Menu- and the Action-key for about five seconds until your iPod reboots. As soon as the iPod reboots, hold down the Action- and the Play-key. Now, your iPod should boot into disk mode.
- First try to restore your iPod without losing your music data:
- Open the following file on the harddrive of your iPod with a text editor (such as Notepad): "G:\iPod_Control\Device\SysInfo". Where "G:" is the device letter of your iPod. Your Computer might use a different letter. The directory "iPod_Conttrol" is a hidden directory. To access this directory, either tell Internet Explorer to view hidden directories or simply past the directory path into the address field.
- Search for the following Text in the file: "buildID: 0x02208000 (2.2)" (The numbers might be different on your iPod, but the word "buildID" should be there.)
- Replace this text by: "buildID: 0x02108000 (2.2)". This way, you pretend to use an outdated firmware version and the updater will allow you to update the firmware.
- Save the file.
- Start the iPod Updater provided by Apple and update your firmware (do not restore your iPod, only update the firmware). In case this does not work (and only in that case), try the next step.
- If this did not work, try the method that really works:
- If your Computer doesn't recognize your iPod, repeat steps 1 and 2.
- Create a backup of all data on your iPod as it will be deleted by the following Step.
- Start the iPod Updater provided by Apple and click on "Restore"
You might also find help on the Troubleshooting-Page or the Key Combinations-Page of the ipodlinux-Project.